Mass Intentions

Mass Intentions

It has long been a part of the Catholic tradition to offer Masses, especially for the deceased.  People typically offer Masses for deceased family members or friends each year.   For example, people may offer a Mass intention for a parent on their birthday or the anniversary date of their death.

You can also offer a Mass intention for the intentions of a living person.  This is often done for a friend who may be going through a difficult time or illness.
When a person requests a Mass intention, they include with that request a stipend of $10.    The stipend  is then given to the priest who celebrates that particular Mass. 
When you offer a Mass stipend, you can specify the date that the Mass will be offered if you choose.   However, it is not required that you specify a date.
If you would like to offer a Mass intention, please stop by the Parish Office or call the Parish Secretary at 317-357-8352.